If you’re in the market for a new roof or you’re just simply worried about severe weather coming to your area, you may be wondering how bad weather affects the overall longevity of your roof. It’s easiest to answer this question by starting to look at specific weather events and how they each affect different types of roofing materials. There’s definitely no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as each home has its own variables to take into account.


There’s no denying the fact that hail can cause significant damage to your roof. It’s known to dislodge shingles, dent metal, and so much more. Obviously, the size of the hailstones is going to play a big role in how destructive the hail will be to your roof. Your best protection against this problem is to invest in a type of roofing material that’s very impact-resistant.

Strong Winds

One of the most common weather events to affect a roof is strong wind gusts. These are well known to lift up and tear off susceptible shingles that have loosening or damage. These wind gusts are also known to dislodge other roofing components, such as metal flashing as well as gutter systems. All this damage can easily lead to leaking, which can prematurely deteriorate your roofing materials. It’s highly advisable to regularly inspect your roof for any loose or damaged shingles and flashing to help it better withstand these stronger wind gusts.

Heavy Rainstorms

Whenever there are prolonged periods of heavy rainstorms going through your area, they will expose any weak areas of your existing roofing structure. This can lead to water infiltration, which can damage the structural integrity of your roof and lead to mold and mildew growth. One of your best lines of defense against this weather event is to invest in a roof inspection before the rainy season of the year. This will allow you to address any potential weak points in your roof so you don’t have to deal with water damage when the rain arrives.

Extreme Heat Exposure

One type of severe weather that homeowners commonly overlook when it comes to affecting their roof’s lifespan is prolonged heat exposure. When there are bouts of extreme heat, they can cause your roofing materials to expand and contract which leads to issues like warping, cracking, and overall deterioration. It’s also important to note that excessive UV ray exposure is well-known to deteriorate shingles as it makes them extremely brittle.

One of the best ways to prevent excessive heat damage to your roofing material is to start by choosing the appropriate materials for your area. Be sure to select a material with a reflective coating that helps to greatly reduce heat absorption throughout the day. Additionally, ensure that your attic is properly ventilated to help better regulate its temperature.

Tips For Prolonging Your Roof’s Lifespan

At this point, there should be no doubt in your mind that severe weather can greatly impact the overall longevity of your roof. As a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to try and do everything possible to prevent that damage from occurring. Since you can’t control the weather, your efforts are best put towards protecting your roof itself.

One of the best things you can do for your roof is to get an annual roof inspection. This is ideal for identifying potential problems with your roof, like a water leak or a missing piece of flashing. This will allow you to fix these issues so that they don’t make your roof more susceptible to damage during adverse weather conditions.

Furthermore, whenever you notice an issue with your roof, like a missing shingle, you should have the problem repaired in a timely fashion. You never want to let problems with your roof go as they can lead to much costlier problems after a weather event rolls through your area.

It should be no surprise that your roof isn’t designed to last forever. During your annual inspection, a roofing professional should let you know how much longer your roof is likely to last. It’s highly advisable to schedule a replacement service before your roof completely fails to protect the overall integrity of your home and your belongings.

Trustworthy Roofing Installation Services

Clark's Gables Roofing offers trustworthy roofing installation service to residents throughout the entire Roseville, CA community. Our roofers will be happy to help with all your roof repair, roof replacement, and roof design needs. Simply call our office today to schedule your next roofing consultation.

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